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Whitehall Primary Logo

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Whitehall Primary School

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Curriculum Areas

At Whitehall we believe that every child is unique and that we are in a very privileged position to be part of their learning journey. 


We put children's rights at the heart of school life, through our curriculum, policies and practice. We support pupils to develop into active, respected and engaged citizens;  their role in initiating positive change in the world is key.

We strive to ensure that our pupils feel happy, safe and confident- both in and outside of school- knowing that they have supportive relationships with the school adults who care for them. A child rights-based approach underpins our whole school values, ethos and culture. Through this we work together to empower all members of our school community.


Our curriculum is a values based curriculum and we have just started our journey to becoming a Rights Respecting School which places the Rights of the Child at the core of all that we encompass. This is set within a framework where knowledge and skills are also valued as children acquire the elements which will help them carve out their own destinies and pathways. Critical thinking and being open to new ideas and challenge, and having a thirst for knowledge, without being afraid or dissuaded, is one of our key aims.


We do not shy away from topical content and we are always changing our topics and curriculum content to ensure our pupils are exposed to the latest in thought and debate. We believe that by equipping our pupils with opportunities to explore their own voice and opinions, whilst respecting the rights of others, is one of the strongest values we are most proud of embodying and promoting.


Philosophy for Children lessons and lessons based on the Sustainable Development Goals underpin our curriculum and give our children a cannon through which all of their learning is undertaken. 


For more detailed explanation of Whitehall's Curriculum please speak with your child's Class Teacher or Phase Leader.

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