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Whitehall Primary School

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School Organisation


Classes are divided into four teams:-

•    The Foundation Stage. This includes the Nursery Unit and children in Reception classes.

•    Key Stage One. This is for pupils in years 1 and 2.

•    Lower Key Stage Two. This is for pupils in year 3 and 4.

•    Upper Key Stage Two. This is for pupils in years 5 and 6.


The Governing Body of the school follows the Waltham Forest policy on admissions.  This is detailed below.


Admissions to the Nursery Unit:


Forms for admission into the school’s nursery are available from the school. Whitehall Primary manages its own admissions procedure, allocating places based on the following criteria:


•    Children in public care

•    Children with education health care plans

•    3 year old siblings with preference to older children

•    3 year old children with preference to older children


In each category, if there are more applicants than places available, priority will be based on the shortest distance between home and school.   Please note that admission to the nursery does not guarantee admission to the main school.


Admissions to the School at Reception age (the year in which the child is five years old):


Children are invited to join Waltham Forest Schools in September if their fifth birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August in the designated academic year.


Applications for admission must be made via the London Borough of Waltham Forest Admissions Service. Click here to access the site.  Applicants will be asked to complete a Common Application Form between 1st September and early December in the year prior to admission. The Local Authority will then apply the admissions criteria to each application, informing parents of the outcome of their application by the deadline set.


If demand for places is higher than the number of places available, all applications will be considered on an equal basis within the categories:

•    Children in public care

•    Children with education health care plans

•    Exceptional medical or psychological grounds

•    Children with siblings already at the school

•    Children living closest to the school


Admissions to the School in Years 1 – 6:


All admissions are managed by the London Borough of Waltham Forest.


Children can be admitted throughout the year, in any year group where there are spaces. If there are no spaces, a child’s name can be placed on the waiting list until a place becomes available within the borough. In the event of there being several names on the waiting list, borough criteria will apply.


Admissions for pupils with Disabilities:


Pupils with special educational needs including physical disabilities are allocated places at schools in Waltham Forest according to local authority policy. Full details are available via the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service via the following email address: wf.sendiass@walthamforest.gov.uk

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