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Whitehall Primary School

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School Council

Our School Council Constitution




Our School Council aims to ensure that all pupils have:

A voice that is heard.

A right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account.

A safe, happy and fair learning environment.

An opportunity to share their voice and  concerns and act upon them.

A chance to take an active part in the management of the school. 

An avenue to learn problem-solving skills.

An experience of democratic processes.

A responsibility towards the school community and environment.




Our school council is made up of two members from each class from year 1 up to year 6 (elected by their peers/class). The council also has a link and support teacher, Ms Darji.


We ensure that the interests of all students are properly represented by each council member through:

1. Class discussion after council meetings

2. Encouraging class members to share their concerns, ideas and needs

3. Meeting weekly for a council meeting

4. Being vigilant and anticipating the needs of others



2022 School Council Election Trailer

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On Friday 7th October the School Council Elections take place.
Watch our trailer to find what difference you can make either by standing for election or by choosing your candidate carefully.

School Council Representatives 2022

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Thank you to all those that stood for election. We are happy to announce this year's elected and the worthy runners-up.

Impact Statement 2021-22


This is the impact statement of the current serving school council of  Whitehall Primary School 2021-22.


Our impact statement is intended to measure our actions and the impact of them on the pupils at Whitehall and the wider Whitehall community. In the school, this year, we have accomplished many great things despite the struggles of the pandemic.


Our accomplishments this year are:

  • Restarting school council after the lockdown and revisiting our mission
  • Becoming far more inclusive. KS1 have now had the opportunity to be elected by their peers to have a voice within the school.
  • Creating the school charter (a list of activities and opportunities that each class has contributed to. This charter will be used to measure the experiences and opportunities that we believe will enhance our experience of being at Whitehall and one that all children should have equal access to.)
  • Having consistent meetings and also having meetings with the Head Teacher to discuss our ideas and views.
  • Presenting to the governing body
  • listening to feedback and establishing a mud kitchen for KS1 pupils in a space that was not utilised
  • Creating a school council video where new staff members were interviewed and shared this with all children so they all knew and were familiar with key adults in school
  • Establishing an Eco-Council who are responsible for making sure we are a green school (using recycled paper, turning off lights and turning off interactive whiteboards when not in use).


Action plan for next year:

  • Planning and leading a school council assembly every term.
  • Organising and leading two charity events within the school to raise funds and raise awareness of issues we want to share with the school
  • Rolling out peer mentors throughout the school- offering training to the participants.

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