After School Care
After School Care is run by school staff from 15.15 to 17:45 each day.
The current cost of the club which can only be booked in advance is £14.00 per day (£70.00 per week all payments must be paid one week in advance using parent pay.
Should your child be off for a day that has been booked you will be required to pay for that day. Please note late collection after 17:45 will be charged at a premium rate to cover staffing costs– see rates on last page
The sessions are structured to offer the children a variety of activities including outside play, where possible. Whitehall Primary School operates a healthy eating policy and a range of healthy snacks will be offered at each session. All of which will follow the Borough’s guidelines on healthy eating.
We ask that you do not provide your child with their own snack for After School Care. It is important that you inform us if your child has any food allergies and/or specific dietary needs.
Health and Safety
There is a qualified First Aider on site at all times. All first aid matters will be dealt with in line with whole-school procedures. By choosing to attend ASC, it will be taken that permission has been given for your child to be given treatment and/or taken to the nearest hospital in your absence, in the case of an emergency.
Behaviour Policy
Children are expected to demonstrate good behaviour at all times during ASC, in-line with the school’s behaviour policy. Where a child consistently demonstrates unacceptable behaviour, the parents and relevant staff will be involved in discussing the most appropriate response/action and may be withdrawn completely from ASC.
Emergency attendance/one off care needed
Emergency attendance can be requested and arranged and will be charged at the day rate. Please call the school office if this is needed. Parents must call the school mobile on 07355 982304 after 16:00 if there are messages for the After School Care Manager. Please do not call the mobile for any other school related issues this will need to go to the school office as the team will not be able to deal with them.
Booking & Fees
If you pay by Tax Free scheme or childcare vouchers. You must email: with full details of your payment, including date paid, amount paid and any reference number and the dates and sessions that the payment covers.
EDENRED: P20374231
The school has a financial commitment to the staff for all after-school clubs so we cannot offer a refund or swap to another club. Failure to comply with these payment terms may result in your child losing the place and being unable to book future places.
Late collection
In the event of a child not being collected on time at the end of a session, every effort will be made to contact the parent/carer. If it is not possible to do so and the child is left uncollected for half an hour, and the staff remain unable to contact the child’s legal guardian, then the school will seek support from Social Services.
Late charges for after school care which ends at 17:45pm
You must call ahead and advise staff if you are going to be late.
Up to 5 minutes £5.00
Between 10 and 15 minutes £10.00
Late between 15 and 30 minutes £15.00
Later than 30 minutes social services will be contacted for advice. You will need to meet with the SLT lead for clubs where the penalty will be discussed.
Should you no longer require a place, we ask you to please inform us as soon as possible to free up resources for other families who may require them.
Complaints procedure
If for any reason you are not happy with the service provided at the After School Care, please do speak to the manager in the first instance.
Or you can email us at: