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BSL Videos

BSL at our school


British Sign Language (BSL) is a recognised minority language in the United Kingdom. It is a visual language that uses gestures, facial expression and body language to communicate. Many deaf people use BSL as their first language so learning BSL is a great life skill to have; you never know when you might need it! Just remember that BSL is only used in the United Kingdom, other countries have their own sign languages. 


At Whitehall Primary School, we offer BSL to all children and adults at different times of the school year. Did you know we also have BSL lunchtime clubs?


This page is to help you learn BSL through different topics. You can watch these videos as many times as you like and come back to any video to practise your skills.


Have fun learning with our videos and we hope to see and sign with you soon!

Sign of the Week


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Proud, fantastic, excellent and confident.

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Welcome Back!

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Rainbow Colours

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Healthy Snacks

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Earth Day

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World Book Day

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What do you enjoy at school?

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Anti-Bullying Week

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Remembrance Day

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Black History Month

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Autumn 2 Signs

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Autumn 1 Signs

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Learn to sign 1

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Learn to sign 2

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What do you like for dinner?

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Today is Sunny...

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King’s Coronation

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Deaf Awareness Week

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Earth Day

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Eid Mubarak

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Welcome Back to the Summer Term

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How are you?

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Happy New Year

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Welcome Back

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You Can Achieve

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Believe in Yourself

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Nice to Meet You

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Queen's 70 Year Jubilee

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Now it is Summer. Today is a lovely day.

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Listening Bus

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Sign of the Week - Happy Eid

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Sign of the Week - How are you?

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Sign of the Week - Good Morning

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Can you fingerspell your name? Now try your friends’ names! What about your brother’s or your sister’s names? If you really want to challenge yourself, try spelling Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

To practise more and compete against yourself and time, have a go at playing the spelling game linked below:


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Practise the greetings with your family. Greet them with a good morning/afternoon/evening/night and ask how they are. Sign how you are feeling today. You could then ask what their name is and fingerspell yours. Try this with a friend next time you see them!


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What is your favourite fruit? Did you notice that for some fruit you need to fingerspell the name of the fruit, then sign the shape of it? What fruit have you got at home? Can you sign them? Now ask your family what their favourite fruit is and show them how to sign it!


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What’s the weather like today? Is it hot or cold? Do you like snow or rain? What is your favourite type of weather? What do you need to wear in this weather? Hat and gloves or a sun hat?


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Days of the week

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School - Part 1

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School - Part 2

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Colours and objects

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What is your favourite colour?
Look for different coloured objects or things around your house? What colour is your favourite toy? What colours can you see in the fruit bowl? What about your front door, what colour is that?


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Now you know your colours in BSL, try signing what colour clothes you’re wearing. Or think of an outfit you would like to wear and practise signing it.

Try this: red cap, white t-shirt and blue jeans.
*Remember the word order and sign cap first, then red.

What about your uniform? Sign what you wear to school!

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