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Whitehall Primary School

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Welcome to the Whitehall Primary School Parent/Staff Association (PSA) section


The Whitehall Primary School Parent/Staff Association is a non-profit charity run by the parents and staff of the school to help raise much needed funds for the benefit of the children. 


Here you'll find all the information you need regarding what we do as the PSA, our fundraising events and how you can help.


We are always open to new suggestions and ideas to add to our children's experiences.  If you are a teacher, parent or friend of the school please don't hesitate to get in touch we would love to hear from you. 



Whitehall Primary School PSA, 90 Normanton Park, Chingford, London, E4 6ES

Registered with the Charity Commission as 1161163


Your PSA – who are we?

The newly appointed PSA was voted in on 23rd February 2024.

Your PSA committee are:

Chairperson – Clare Polston

Co-Secretaries – Sally Mumby-Croft and Lucy Morrison

Co-Treasurers – Sian Ford and Amie Lamb

Members – Canan Neetoo, Maria Wade, Gladys Vargas-Camones, Jo Etherington, Meka Guliyeva and Reka Mills.  Mrs Blyth and Mrs Hughes are ex-officio member.


What have we organised so far?


Upcoming events:

International Evening – 23rd May

Summer Fete – Friday 5th July


Past events:

Easter Egg Raffle

School Disco

Summer Fete

Inflatables Fun Afternoon

Christmas Fayre

International Evening


How you can help

We are always looking for new ideas and helpers so if you would like to help, please let a member of the PSA Committee know. 



If you shop online, you could help us raise money through www.easyfundraising.co.uk.  It is a really easy way for you to support the school without spending a penny.  Simply sign up for free at www.easyfundraising.co.uk and select Whitehall Primary School – London.  Select the store you’re looking for and start shopping as you would normally.  Every time you go through the website, we get a small percentage of what you spend.  Hundreds of online stores such as ebay, Amazon, Sainsburys, Next and lots more will give cash back to our school when you make a purchase.  It only costs you a few extra clicks!


Yellow Moon

Do you order from Yellow Moon?  If so, the next time you order, please quote Source Code: WHI32521.  The school will receive up to 20% cash back. 

Annual General Meeting Minutes 2024

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