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Whitehall Primary School

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Whitehall Primary School Assessment Statement

At Whitehall teachers assess children’s learning through both formative and summative assessment methods.  Teachers use their judgements alongside bi-annual tests, provided by NFER, to ascertain pupil attainment and to measure progress.


At the end of each of the Key Stages children are assessed externally through statutory assessment:  The EYFS Profile at the end of the Reception year, Key Stage One Sats at the end of Year 2 and Key Stage Two Sats at the end of Year 6.  In addition to these Year 1 will complete a phonics Screening and Year 4 a Multiplication Check; the results of which will be published to parents/carers at the end of the academic year.


Pupil Progress meetings are held termly, giving teachers and senior staff the opportunity to discuss and track pupils’ achievements and provide support and challenge where appropriate.


School uses the following terminology when discussing pupil attainment:


Working Towards the Expected Standard (WT)

Working At the Expected Standard (WA)

Working At the Greater Depth within the Expected Standard (GD)


Information regarding pupil achievement will be shared through Parent Consultation Evening (autumn and spring) and End of Year Reports (summer).

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