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Whitehall Primary Logo

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Whitehall Primary School

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Remote Learning

In Google Classrooms your teachers will be setting daily work for you. You will also be able to ask your teachers questions about your learning and they will respond and provide feedback to you.


To help with this we have produced a guide that can be found here to show you how to log in and use the classroom. If you have any problems with your log in please use the Contact Us Form below and we will get back to you asap. We hope that this makes your learning easier and a little more interactive during the time we cannot be with you. 


We also know that it is hard for some of you to access the work that is set as your brothers and sisters are also using your family laptops/computer or your parents are working from home and need those resources too.  For those of you who are finding it hard to access online work, we are happy to create packs and allow you to pick them up from school. If you would like a packs made up each week, then please ask your parents to let the school know via email or by calling the school office.


Your work will appear in your classrooms  each morning but you may want to log in before your zoom lesson begins to make sure that you are ready.




Google Classroom User Guide

Google Classroom Account Request

An account has been created for every child in school, to enable them to access Google Classrooms. The account name is made up of your child’s USO account (which you use to access ParentPay) followed by the schools email domain @whitehall.waltham.sch.uk: If you are unsure of your child’s USO account, or the account you have ends in .USO, please fill in the form below, providing a reply e-mail address, your child’s name and their class:

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