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Whitehall Primary School

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The mathematics curriculum at Whitehall Primary School aims to ensure that pupils’ knowledge in all areas of mathematics is varied, deep and sustainable. We aspire for our pupils to develop a positive attitude towards maths, both in the classroom and in everyday life. We recognise the importance of resilience and confidence in maths and work with our pupils to embed these skills.


We follow a robust, balanced mathematics programme based on the National Curriculum. Through this we encourage collaborative working, whole class discussion and independent learning opportunities. We provide mathematical activities which aim to strengthen understanding, enrich subject knowledge and deepen mathematical skill base, leading to mastery of all topic areas. We provide lines of enquiry for pupils to follow and focus on the maths generated by a problem, rather than the problem itself.


At Whitehall, our maths lessons are not confined to the classroom; we encourage outdoor learning as well as cross curricular activities. We believe that through exposure to maths in ‘real life’ scenarios, our pupils can become well rounded problem solvers who use both reasoning and logic to find possible outcomes. Our pupils are given opportunities to debate, justify and prove their mathematical theories, drawing conclusions as they do so.


Maths at Whitehall is assessed through questioning and discussion during lessons and feedback is provided to ensure learning is moving at a reasonable pace. Summative assessment is also used to inform next steps and planning.

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