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Whitehall Primary School

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What is Pupil Premium?


The Pupil Premium provides additional funding on top of the main funding a school receives for its pupils. It is targeted at students who are entitled to free school meals, have been entitled to free school meals in the previous 6 years, are in Local Authority Care for 1 day or more, were recently adopted from care, or who are the children of service personnel.


It aims to ensure that these pupils benefit from the same opportunities as other students. The amount each student receives ranges from £320 for pupils from service families to £2,410 for those who are in Local Authority care.  


You can apply here to see if your child is eligible for pupil premium funding.   The funding is used to support them within school.  



Covid Catch Up Funding


The government is providing funding to cover a one-off universal catch-up premium for the 2020 to 2021 academic year.   It aims to support pupils to catch up for lost learning so schools can meet the curriculum expectations for the next academic year. 

Sports Premium


Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Sports Premium 2024-25 (Planned Expenditure)

Sports Premium 23-24 (Impact Statement)

School's Financial Benchmarking


Compare a school or trust's income and expenditure with similar establishments in England.  You can view your school or academy trust's financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts.


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