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Whitehall Primary School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Newsletters

    Fri 19 Jul 2024

    Our latest newsletters can be found by clicking here

  • Cost of Living Advice

    Wed 20 Dec 2023

    Please see the link below which directs families to Citizens Advice webpage.  The Citizens Advice can support families with cost of living advice and form filling to apply for the local welfare assistance.



  • Waltham Forest Parent/Carer Support Programmes

    Tue 19 Dec 2023

    Waltham Forest Parent/Carer Support Programmes

    January - March 2024

    A comprehensive guide to the parent/carer support programmes
    available from conception to adulthood in Waltham Forest. 

    Click Here

  • Free autism family support session

    Mon 02 Oct 2023

    Flourish are offering a free autism family support session on Tuesday 10th October 11.30-12.30 which you can attend onsite at Whitefields or virtually. 



  • Ofsted Inspection February 2023

    Tue 02 May 2023

    Outcome Whitehall Primary School continues to be a good school.


    What is it like to attend this school?

    Pupils said that they love coming to school because everyone is kind. They enjoy learning and participating in enrichment activities. Pupils have access to many trusted adults with whom they can raise any concerns that they may have. As a result, pupils feel safe. Staff promote pupils’ welfare very well.


    Please click here to read the full report.  The report can also be found under the letters tab and the Ofsted tab.

  • Deaf Awareness Week

    Mon 01 May 2023

    The week commencing 1st May is Deaf Awareness Week, we will be marking this in school through assemblies and in class activities. 


    In previous years we have shared with children a short film called 'The Silent Child'.  We will share this with children again this year.  It is classified as a PG; school staff will always be present whilst the film is played.  If you do have any questions or concerns regarding this please speak with your child's class teacher.  


    This week's sign of the week can be found under the Deaf Provision tab.  Please do take a look there, where you will find the signs that we share with the children each week.  

  • Code of Conduct for Parents and Visitors

    Tue 14 Mar 2023

    Dear parents and carers of Whitehall Primary School,


    We are writing to follow up recent communication from Whitehall Primary School where we sought parents to put together a working party to clarify what it means to choose to be part of this school community and expectations in interactions with the school.


    We know the vast majority of our parents are extremely polite, kind and courteous in all communications with the school. You know the role you play in representing the school well and understand the importance of supporting the school and what this means for your own child/ren’s well-being. Children and families flourish when partnerships are positive and parents understand and support the school they choose for their children to attend.


    Reluctantly, we, as a governing body are having to write to you due to recent communications and negative interactions from a very small number of parents who have attempted to cause disharmony to the running of the school and to staff morale. These constant negative communications impact on teachers’ ability to care for all of the children in their care and impacts the equity of provision for all the children at Whitehall Primary School.


    Unfortunately, we have also seen a small number of families who have posted unsavoury comments regarding the school on social media platforms and tried to incite a campaign against the school. We have been on a period of change for 4 years now- we have all made the choice to attend and remain at Whitehall as we know that our provision is strong and the children are safe and happy here.


    We hope the code of conduct will help support us share the valuable resources the school has. At your behest, we have also added in measures for parents who talk in a defamatory manner about the school in public forums. Just like your children, and all of us, staff have to feel safe and supported to co-parent our children with us. In speaking negatively about staff we inadvertently harm ourselves and more importantly, all of our children.


    We thank you for the many messages of support already received and appreciate your continued support as your children progress throughout their time at Whitehall. 


    Warmest regards,

    Aletha Saunders and Kenny Frederick

     Co-chair of Governors on behalf of Whitehall Primary School


    Please click here to see a copy of the Code of conduct

  • Science Fair

    Thu 09 Mar 2023

    Science Fair


    Dear Parents/Carers,


    This year, STEM week begins on Friday, 10th March 2023.   


    On Monday 13th March 2023, Year Four pupils will be hosting a Science Fair.    These budding scientists will showcase science enquiry learning to Year 2 and Year 3 pupils during the morning.  Additionally, they would like to invite you to the main school hall, from 3.20pm – 4pm, where they will host the Science Fair for parents and children in other year groups.


    We hope you are able to attend; the children in Y4 are looking forward to sharing their science learning with you all.

  • Comic Relief 2023

    Thu 09 Mar 2023

    Dear Parents/ carers,

    Comic Relief 2023


    Comic Relief (Red Nose Day) is taking place on Friday 17th March 2023. To mark the occasion pupils can wear red clothes (or simply non-uniform) to school on this day if they wish.  We will be raising money for the charity by asking the children to donate £1 to help those in need.


    We will be taking part in some Comic Relief activities in our classes and learning how our donations to Comic Relief help others.


    “Thanks to your donations, Comic Relief partners with amazing projects and organisations to make a difference to the lives of millions of people across the UK and around the world.” – Comic Relief


    There will be donation buckets at the school gates at the start and end of the day if you would like to contribute.


    Many thanks,

  • Snuggle Up Story Time

    Wed 01 Mar 2023

    Snuggle Up Story Time

    Wednesday 1st March 4.30-5.15pm


    We look forward to welcoming children and parents from EYFS and KS1 back into school at 4.30pm for our Snuggle Up Story Time. We are inviting the children to come back to school dressed in their pyjamas ready to enjoy a hot chocolate, biscuit and share a story all snuggled up!

    The intention of the story time is for children and parents to share stories together. There will be some teacher led story sessions for the children to enjoy too.

    Please enter via the main school gates and make your way into the school hall where the event will be taking place.

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