Dear Parents/Carers,
We wanted to update you following on from the letter that was previously sent out at the beginning of March 2020.
We continue to follow government advice with additional guidance from Waltham Forest. We have been advised to ensure that there is the least disruption to the children’s learning as possible and are amending provision in school to reflect that. We will continue to monitor and adapt as the need arises and put the following in place so far:
- We are postponing and limiting school events
- We are continuing to take every opportunity to remind the children about good personal hygiene and we are encouraging the children to wash their hands at various key points during the school day.
- Being vigilant re symptoms in school from adults and children
- Assessing and amending plans on a daily basis
We ask all families and concerned carers to also follow government advice and seek medical support should you need it. Below is further guidance we have received from Waltham Forest that we ask all families to familiarise themselves with.
What to do if you feel unwell?
If you think you’re experiencing symptoms of Coronavirus, do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy, or hospital. Visit NHS Website for further information.
All residents are encouraged to take the following steps to avoid catching and spreading the virus:
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue if you cough or sneeze
- Put used tissues into the bin immediately
- Wash your hands with soap and water often
- Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- Wash your hands when you arrive into work and return home
- Try to avoid close contact with unwell people
Please continue to check the school website for any further updates.