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Half term music courses

Uke Can Do It! Family Ukulele Course

Make music instantly! Our half term Family Ukulele Course is designed so that families can have fun making music together. Led by one of our highly experienced tutors, Parents and Carers will learn alongside their children as we play and sing simple songs, and get to know the instrument.

Age? For children in school years 1 to 4 (age 5 to 9) and their Parents or Carers
When? Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th February, 11am to 12 midday (1 hour x 3 days)
Cost? £30 per family (£15 low income) plus option to purchase ukuleles for £18 each 

Find out more & book your place now: https://ukecandoitfeb21.eventbrite.co.uk/


Scratchmakers Creative Music Making Course

Scratchmakers is a collaborative ensemble for young musicians from Waltham Forest and is suitable for players of any instrument with any level of experience. Pupils will work with professional musicians to explore different ways to create rhythm, beats and melodies and how to fit them together.

Age? For children aged 8 to 12 years
When? Thursday 18th and Friday 19th February, 10am to 1pm (3 hours x 2 days)
Cost? £30 per pupil (£15 low income)


Find out more & book your place now: https://scratchmakersfeb21.eventbrite.co.uk/

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