Whole School Remote Learning
Monday 14th December 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
Whole School Remote Learning
I am writing to inform you that, with regret, the school will move to remote learning from Tuesday 15th December. The school will offer remote learning from tomorrow until Thursday 17th December 2020. This is not a decision that has been taken lightly and one that has been reached with careful consideration.
The school now has 4 bubbles isolating as well as our after school care bubble. Waltham Forest has a high infection rate at present and there are growing concerns that the rate of infection will continue to rise unless further controls are put in place. As such, many Waltham Forest schools will now move to remote learning for the remainder of this term.
Whilst every care is taken to ensure that schools are able to remain open, there is a time when national pandemic concerns regarding health and safety for all members of the school community take precedence. Like Waltham Forest, we are seeing a growing number of confirmed positive test cases emerging in school.
Like in March, we appreciate that key workers and vulnerable children will still need to attend school so that those families and adults can continue to play their part in ensuring that we all have what we need and that they continue to attend work to keep key services working.
The school will remain open to families who are:
- key workers
- families who are deemed vulnerable with children who have EHCPs or have social care involvement
Where one parent is a key worker, and provision can be made to have the children at home, we would strongly advocate this. This will reduce the number of children who have to physically be in school.
I am sure you can appreciate how hard it has been to manage an ever changing and unprecedented situation. We have always followed advice from Public Health, the Department of Education, and from the London Borough of Waltham Forest and will continue to follow guidance and update you as the need arises.
I will continue to update you all with any news I receive; this will be through the school website and our text service. Senior members of staff will continue to work on Track and Trace and we will monitor information you send in re confirmed cases until 23rd December. There will be more information on this in our newsletter later on this week.
I would like to also take this opportunity to thank staff who shown such professionalism and continued to put the needs of our community first whilst remaining positive and extremely supportive of myself and SLT and the decisions we have to make on behalf of everybody. In this time of continued national challenge, I have been very proud to lead a team who continue to work for the greater good of our communities.
I would also like to thank you all for your ongoing support and understanding. I am sure it has been a time of great confusion and uncertainly for you all, as it has been for us, but I am sure that by working together and supporting each other, we will strengthen our partnership as a school community; always acting in the best interests of all of our children.
With my very best wishes,
Zakia Khatun